Saturday, May 29, 2010

3rd week inspection

It's been 21 days since I installed the package of bees on foundation. I was excited that a) I found the queen, and b) she's been busy laying eggs-- check out the picture where we caught her in the act...


Lots of larvae and lots of brood is now capped. Looks like the girls have been plenty busy.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2nd inspection

Second inspection of the hive done today, 2 weeks after installation of the package. Here's what I found...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

I'm Covered In Bees

My father was a beekeeper before me, his father was a beekeeper before him; I wanna walk in their footsteps. And their footsteps were like this: [running wildly from imaginary bees] "I'm covered in bees!"

Monday, May 17, 2010

First inspection

Saturday May 15. Things appear to be going well - the queen is free, and the girls are busy drawing out comb.

Bee package installation

Installation date - Saturday May 8

Here goes, my first beehive. Installed the bees without any hassles, and no stings!